
You don't need much equipment to get started with your first batch of drinks from the hedgerows, and in fact you can get started with just some plastic bottles

A bit more kit can make life easier though. The most commonly needed equipment is shown below, along with some ideas to save some cash before you decide to commit to the hobby

An atmospherically lit fancy wine cellar, the kind of cellar that would take you out for a fancy meal and treat you right.

Getting Started With Infusions And Liqueurs

Where can you start? If you aren't sure, then liqueurs or infusions are one great way to start and need very little equipment. Sloe gin, blackberry whisky and rose vodka can all be made very simply with just a large jar or bottle to infuse, a few smaller bottles to decant into and a sieve or cloth to keep the bits while you are decanting

Wherever you start, remember to sterilize everything with boiling water or by putting it in the oven for 15 mins at 160-180C (320-360F)

Equipment to make a liqueur or infusion

  • Wide necked sealable jar - a kilner or mason jar lets you get the berries in and out easily, and pour the sugar in easily as well
  • Bottles - your drink will improve with age so decant into bottles and keep them for up to a year or two
  • Funnel
  • Sieve or muslin cloth - to strain the bits when decanting
Liqueur glasses with deep red sloe gin in front of a French country-style limed wood...something. An angel's wing or a large sea shell perhaps?

Money Saving Tip

Just use a standard fizzy drinks bottle instead of the jar, make a cone out of newspaper when pouring the sugar into the bottle, and cut the top off the bottle after the gin is ready to get to the alcohol-soaked berries for a sweet treat

Beer Brewing Equipment

Making beer is a bit more involved than a liqueur. You will need to heat the mixture to get it going, then leave it to ferment before bottling it

The steps are pretty straightforward so you could get started with a refreshing nettle beer brewed, chilled, and ready for summer

You will need this equipment to start homebrewing beer:

  • A big (1 gallon/5 litre) pan - to start the mixture going
  • Large brewing tub or food container (over 1 gallon / 5 litres) - for the first fermentation with all the ingredients in there
  • Metal spoon to stir the mix - metal so it can be sterilised effectively
  • ​Straining bag, sieve, muslin or cheesecloth
  • Syphon tube
  • Bottles
42 brown bottles of beer with yellow caps on a kitchen counter, next to a pile of bottle caps. Home brew heaven.

Money Saving Tip

Use an old t-shirt, boil washed and ironed, to strain your mixture instead of a muslin or cheesecloth

Wine Making Equipment

Wine needs the same equipment as beer to get started, but because wine is stronger and more vigorous in the fermentation there is a second stage which needs a demijohn or carboy. This allows a second fermentation to avoid exploding bottles

As usual, remember to sterilise everything with boiling water before using it. This is the key to a good quality finished product

With a little care you will be able to sip a refreshing summer elderflower champagne, a sparkling dandelion or a dry pear wine

You will need this equipment to start making wine:

  • A big (1 gallon/5 litre) pan - to start the mixture going
  • Large brewing tub or food container (over 1 gallon / 5 litres) - for the first fermentation
  • Metal spoon to stir the mix - metal so it can be sterilised effectively
  • Demijohn (or carboy) with an airlock and bung - for the second fermentation with the fruit or flowers sieved out
  • ​Straining bag, sieve, muslin or cheesecloth
  • Syphon tube
  • Bottles - your wine will benefit from time to mature in the bottle, whether you go to town with a corking kit or use screw tops
42 brown bottles of beer with yellow caps on a kitchen counter, next to a pile of bottle caps. Home brew heaven.

Money Saving Tip

Instead of the demijohn (carboy) with an airlock, you can use a large plastic bottle and a balloon. Prick a pinhole in the balloon and it will partially inflate as the yeast produces carbon dioxide while fermenting. When the balloon is flat your fermentation is done and you can decant into bottles

More Advanced Equipment

Taking it further? Here is some equipment that will take you to the next level